CPD for OTs - Supporting Student Placements

The Your OT Tutor Journal Club - The Journal Club you've been waiting for!

Top 5 Summary Points About the Session

1. What article did we discuss?

We reviewed and discussed a qualitative article discussing the 'ideal' supervision environment for supporting allied health and nursing students, from the supervisor perspective. A number of themes were identified, including being prepared, partnering with universities, and facilitating peer learning.

2. What ‘Research Fundamentals’ tip was covered in this session?

We discussed the differences between qualitative and quantitative research, with a focus on the differences in sampling (i.e. recruiting participants).

3. What were the key points from the article critique?

We used the McMaster Critical Review Form for Qualitative Studies. The study purpose was somewhat clear and the sampling methods were appropriate, but there were some gaps in the rigour and trustworthiness of the methodology, so we recommend using results with caution.

4. What were some of the key take home messages from the discussion?

Challenging aspects of supporting students are when the student lacks enthusiasm for the caseload, or when they experience difficulties with communication or social skills, which can be time consuming to teach. Effective strategies to optimise student placements including streamlining preparation resources and strategies, creating a safe space for students to make mistakes, creating a dedicated clinical educator role, and facilitating opportunities for peer learning.

5. How are OTs going to use what they learnt in this session?

Some OTs were planning to review the scope of their own clinical educator role, to allow more opportunities for the educator to support students and supervisors before and during placements, while another will reach out to companies with similar caseloads to discuss collaborations where they can offer student placements at the same time to facilitate opportunities for peer learning. Other OTs planned to review and streamline their placement resources, so the preparation aspect can be more efficient (there will be a 'Starter Kit' of resources like this coming from Your OT Tutor by the end of April 2023!).


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