The online OT Journal Club you've been waiting for...

Have you ever been interested in attending a journal club, but things didn’t quite work out? Well, the Your OT Tutor Journal Club for OTs could be just what you're looking for!

Find out more below, but if you have any questions, please get in touch!

New Journal Club Annual Membership coming March 2025!

Join the Your OT Tutor Mailing List so you don't miss the announcement!

Why Check Out the Your OT Tutor Journal Club?

I've put a little spin on the traditional journal club format to make it as engaging and accessible as possible...

  • The prep work is done for you - you can turn up having just skim-read the article, or go all out and plan your answer to the discussion questions and have a go at the article critique.

  • The scary (or tricky) research/stats talk is kept to a minimum - learn the basics you need to know to understand the article without being overwhelmed.

  • The majority of the session is spent discussing how the research findings can be applied in your clinical practice (not just going through an article critique form).

  • Choose from 3 live sessions (morning, midday, or afternoon) or watch a recording and share your thoughts via the online discussion board.


The live journal club sessions are done for 2024!

Join the mailing list to hear about an exciting opportunity for proud #OTNerds coming in 2025...

Pssst! Did you know that if you are a YOTT Alliance member you can come along to these Journal Club sessions as part of your membership!? Click on the button below to find out more about the Your OT Tutor membership.


We discuss a systematic review about the role of OT in sleep management. Hear about what assessments and treatment approaches OTs are using to assist their clients with sleep difficulties, and how the use of OT models may assist your planning.

We reviewed and discussed the NICE clinical practice guidelines for working with adults with multiple sclerosis. Strategies for addressing cognition, fatigue and pain within a multidisciplinary approach were discussed.

We reviewed and discussed a review paper exploring the benefits of power seat elevation for wheelchair users. We discussed how to capture evidence of these benefits in funding applications and how to push back if our recommendations are not approved.

We reviewed and discussed a qualitative article describing the barriers and facilitators to implementing a self-directed therapy program within an inpatient rehabilitation setting in Australia, using the COM-B.

We reviewed an article describing the clinical presentation of severe ME/CFS and providing patient-centred recommendations on diagnosis, assessment and treatment approaches. The need for compassion, humility and respect is emphasised.

We reviewed and discussed an article about a mixed methods study exploring the benefits and feasibility of completing videoconferencing home visits in addition to the standard practice of using data gathered via interview and photos, to inform discharge planning for older adults in hospital. .

We discuss a commentary article about why it is important for OTs to embrace neurodiversity-affirming principles in our practice. Hear about how to get started, the importance of an individualised approach, as well as some first-hand tips from content expert Dr Micah Perez.

We discuss an article outlining the international guidelines for falls prevention. Hear a summary of the guidelines, as well as what strategies other OTs are already incorporating into their daily practice to ensure best practice in line with these guidelines.

We discuss a quantitative article exploring the impact of chronic pain on a person's ability to drive. Hear about the role of driver-trained and non -driver trained OTs, what self-regulation strategies clients may find helpful, as well as great tips from content expert Nicole de la Perrelle.

We discuss a qualitative article exploring OT opinions on the concept of 'value for money' in home modifications. Hear how OTs are using this concept as evidence in funding applications, and how they manage client expectations when the values of clients and funding bodies do not align.

We discuss the INCOG 2.0 guidelines on the management of memory impairments post TBI. Find out what factors OTs need to consider to choose the most effective treatment approach, as well as the importance of including family and other carers to ensure carry-over of skills.

We discuss an article outlining consensus recommendations for the OT role when working with people with FND. Find out about why encouraging self-management is important, and why the pros and cons of equipment prescription need careful consideration.

We discuss a qualitative article exploring client and carer perspectives of the use of assistive technology for people receiving end of life care. Hear about the importance of rapport building and approaches to take if clients decline equipment recommendations.

We discuss the international guidelines for pressure care management. Find out about how to overcome barriers to taking a systematic approach to pressure care assessment, and strategies for selecting cushions and optimising participation for people on bed rest.

We discuss a qualitative article outlining supervisor perspectives of what is the 'ideal' environment for supporting students. Hear about the challenging aspects of supervising students, and strategies for optimising placement experiences for students and supervisors.

We discuss a quantitative article exploring the characteristics of people experiencing Long Covid. Find out about how core OT skills, such as energy conservation, sleep hygiene education, and equipment prescription can assist people to manage Long Covid symptoms.

Did you know that if you're an OT student, you can attend journal club sessions or watch the recordings for FREE! Yep, not kidding :)
Click on the link below to send through your proof of student status and let me know which session you are interested in.

Are you interested in starting a journal club in your own workplace?

Are you not quite sure where to start, or how to keep it interesting and efficient enough to keep it going? Or would you like a completely done for you session a few times a year? Book in a chat today to see how Your OT Tutor resources and coaching can help!