The NDIS Report Planning Tool - Quick Version

Writing reports for NDIS participants is trickier than it seems - if you want to do a good job and help your client achieve their goals that is!

If you're new to NDIS report writing, this FREE downloadable PDF may help you learn to approach NDIS report writing in a systematic way, so you have a clear plan for what you are writing about, what you should include, and WHY!

Click on the button below to find out more!

Are you considering hosting a student clinical placement?

This FREE download will walk you through 10 important questions you should ask yourself before you offer a student placement. It will help you consider the logistics of travel, home offices, and billing rules, and give you ideas for deciding what type of placement will be best for your workplace. Check out all the other clinical education resources while you're there!


Using AI as a Health Professional

I've teamed up with the wonderful Angela Mariani from Everbility to create this FREE download. Is AI something to be scared of, or could it be the super-power you are looking for?

We answer your questions, bust some myths, and give you our tips for getting the most out of artificial intelligence as a health professional!

FCA report writing tips free PDF download
Clinical handover ISBAR template PDF free download
Health worker home visits risk considerations free PDF download

Would you like some help structuring your FCA Report template?

This download isn't a word for word template, but will provide an outline of section headings, possible subheadings, and what content to cover within each section. The front page also outlines some general principles for improving the quality of your FCA report writing. Purchase the template for $9, or access it for free as part of The OT Guide to Completing a Functional Capacity Assessment online course. Find out more via the button below.

Functional capacity assessment report guide
Choosing the right OT job for me free PDF workbook
Occupational therapy hospital initial assessment template
CPD reflection template for recording AHPRA CPD evidence for occupational therapists
LinkedIn self-audit checklist FREE PDF download for health professionals

Do you want to boost your profile on social media but Instagram videos aren't your thing? Try LinkedIn!

I've been slowly building my LinkedIn profile and now have nearly 10,000 followers! If you'd like to start building your own profile, check out this FREE self-audit checklist to help you plan how to setup or improve your profile. While you're there, you can also check out the recorded webinar with lots more tips!

Reflection template to prepare for occupational therapy supervision sessions free PDF download
Free PDF download outlining AHPRA CPD requirements for occupational therapists
Free PDF download equipment prescription case study questions

Is your CPD Evidence a little disorganised? Are you old school and prefer a document rather than an app for keeping your records?

As evidence for your CPD for your AHPRA registration, you need to keep more than your course certificates. You need to reflect on what you have learnt and how it will improve your clinical practice, as well as link your learning to specific learning goals. This Word template provides you with a structure to tick all these boxes!

CPD portfolio template for keeping CPD evidence for AHPRA CPD requirements


Clare has been an invaluable resource for me as a new graduate OT - I regularly check her business page: Your OT Tutor and have recommended my colleagues do the same for easy to digest updates and tips! Clare has gone out of her way to assist me with my CPD portfolio and provided me with such a helpful template to use (a life saver!). Clare is extremely helpful, approachable, and very responsive despite her busy schedule.

Brodie S. New Graduate Occupational Therapist

Just wanting to say thank you for the session yesterday - it’s my first time attending something you organised and I just want to say that your commitment to support others in the profession is amazing!

I just wanna say how amazing your modules are as a grad - there were so many things you talked about that I simply wasn't made aware of starting out in community. 

Thank you for your services! You have been a shining light to my career!

This is incredible! Thank you so so much!! ☺️ The tips are so insightful and the link you have sent is amazing.

Thank you so much Clare! This is super helpful and very much appreciated!!